Microsoft doesn’t pay me or send stickers in the post, but if you don’t have it yet and have the option to try it out, go for it – it’s way better than the PS+ service I’ve been subscribed to all these years you get a better selection of games, in my opinion, such as Unpacking. Source: PRĪs is the pattern of the last few entries of reviews, I was able to play Unpacking via Game Pass. Will I be playing this way into 2022? Unlikely, for a multitude of reasons, but nothing to do with the game – it’s lovely. That’s a statement and a half, but it’s true. It’s a charming isometric pixel art dream or satisfaction. What lets Unpacking down is… no, I’m being facetious: there’s nothing wrong with it. So, Witch Beam are onto a winner then? No, not really. You only have to look on Instagram to see how this concept resonates with the masses. If you’re a retro collector of any medium, or were there ‘back in the day’, reorganising your CDs, socks, 16-bit cartridges is therapeutic, and there’s that joy (spark joy?) of finding a home for everything to make your lived-in space feel like home. Aside from the hints of a story as our character grows up, the core experience of sorting and rearranging is immensely satisfying. It’s an uplifting experience that is well worth your time. That favourite mug starts showing its age and eventually needs to be replaced. It’s a bit like Toy Story in that you have a connection with inanimate objects, but as you grow older, that deteriorates – computers and MP3 players replace toy robots. As subtle as it may be, Unpacking is telling a story and the further you go into the game, the more familiar items become and your attachment to it. Note that comment about unpacking your life. The core experience of sorting and rearranging is immensely satisfying You’ll only find this out after unpacking everything. As lazy as it is to leave your toothbrush by the telly, so you don’t need to get up, a red line will show around the item indicating that it is not in its proper place – be it the room or location. That becomes apparent in the subsequent levels as a floorplan becomes available as you’re now unpacking your life into bathrooms, dining rooms and more. There’s no correct space, but items do have a dedicated home to some extent. At first, it’s a bedroom where placing cuddly toys and books is a no-brainer. The task at hand is to unpack every box in the game, finding a home for each object. So, what’s the point of Unpacking? Far from deceiving, it’s in the title. It’s so thoroughly satisfying that this game should go on every gamers curriculum – regardless if they ‘don’t do cute’. But if you’ve played the game, you’ll know that it isn’t a simple case of picking it up, clicking about, then playing another day.