I went and got the sequential screen (first blood test w an ultrasound and a few weeks later a second bloow draw). If an NT is unobtainable, order Maternal Serum Screening, Integrated (ARUP test codes 3000147 (collect in first trimester) and 3000149 (collect in second trimester)), which can be interpreted without an NT value. Neither my boyfriend or myself have anyone with Downs in either of our families. To avoid possible test delays for an ultrasonographer that is new to our database, please contact the genetic counselor at (800) 242-2787 extension 2141 prior to sending specimen. SsdwLab5 is a specific program for trisomy (21, 18 and 13 Down’s, Edwards and Patau syndromes) prenatal screening detection, which incorporates the latest scientific research findings in serum and ultrasound markers and their combinations. Consumers are sequentially screened, as in a menu of refund contracts. The NT measurement must also be performed by an ultrasonographer that is certified by one of the following agencies: Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) or Nuchal Translucency Quality Review (NTQR). Sequential screening models have been used extensively in economics and revenue management to study optimal contract design when buyers learn their values over. Sequential screening, as the name suggests, is a sequence of tests that helps you determine whether your baby has a risk of any genetic abnormalities and neural tube defects. Sequential screening problems are best understood in so-called regular environments which require that the (sequential) virtual trade surplus satises a certain monotonicity condition. NT must be measured when the CRL is between 38-83.9 mm. In addition to the above: the date of ultrasound, the CRL measurement, the nuchal translucency (NT) measurement and the name and certification number of the sonographer is required. The Integrated test on all women yields an FPR of 2.15. Submit with Order: Patient's date of birth, current weight, number of fetuses present, patient's race, if the patient was diabetic at the time of conception, if there is a known family history of neural tube defects, if the patient has had a previous pregnancy with a trisomy, if the patient is currently smoking, if the patient is taking valproic acid or carbamazepine (Tegretol), if this is a repeat sample, and the age of the egg donor if in vitro fertilization. If the first-trimester FPR is set to 0.5 (risk >or 1 in 30) with an overall DR of 90, sequential and contingent screening yield overall FPRs of 2.25 and 2.42, respectively, and 66 of the affected pregnancies are detected by the first-trimester test.